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Showing posts from November, 2018

How to Improve My Photography

Photography, of the art forms, appeals to me the most. While I enjoy paintings and other forms or art, photography for me is rooted in reality. And from that reality we can show what we see, how we see something, or just how we wish to see something. But it is linked back to the simple fact that something, no matter how small, in the photograph exists. So simply put, I like photography. Glad I cleared that up. Since I like photography, I want to be better at it. While looking at and thinking about my past experiences and images, I tried to find what I felt were my strengths and my shortcomings. The next step is deciding how to improve upon those. From this I identified 3 things I need to do to get better. This article isn’t a general list of things to do to take a great picture. It may not even apply to another person. This is my list, for me. Writing down this list is personal but hopefully can help others recognize areas that they can improve on.  1.Gear Ah yes, gear time! I l