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Showing posts from July, 2018

DSLR Sensor Cleaning

The best part of landscape photography is getting out in nature. That is what draws people to it, and that is what led me to pursue landscapes over other genres of photography. The smell of the trees, the crunch of a good trail under my feet. The dirt, dust and wind.  Well, most days I can do without dirt, dust and especially wind. But they are inevitable facts of being outside in nature.  Without a doubt, when I spend enough time outside, I get dirty. The same goes for my gear. Then I start to notice odd spots in my photos. So I check my lenses, clean them and take another shot. Still there. Uh oh. Photo with sensor spot in sky What Causes Spots in Photos? Spots on a photo can come from many sources (as I have learned while processing film), but the two most common for digital photography are dirt on the lens and dirt on the sensor.  I have become meticulous about keeping my lenses clean and carry microfiber cloths and lens cleaning wipes in my bag at all times.  These are


Welcome to my new photography blog.  This will be a place to write about my adventures, successes, failures and photography in general.  It is a work in progress and will take some time to get everything just right, so I ask for patience.  It isn't possible to be out shooting 24/7 (someday), so I want to use this tool as a place for creative expression and to improve my writing chops.  I spend most of my days thinking about photography, so why not write about it!  Keep checking in for updates!